To get access to all the server commands you'll have to be the operator of the server, to get this op yourself with the console command 'op playername' then click send.Copy and paste the server address into the multiplay connect box and click the 'Join Server'.Modpacks can take up to 5 minutes to start and minigames less than 60 seconds before you can join using the server address The server control panel will popup and you'll see the server address to connect to your server.Once you have installed the correct version click 'Start Trial Now' Button.You'll find the version to use on the server details Before starting the server install the Modpack Launcher with the correct version of the modpack, or for minigames start the right version of Minecraft to guarantee the minigame works.Click the thumbnail to see more details.Search for either a Modpack or Minigame you want to play.